Extending Evidence for the Importance of Fetal Programming on Old Age Mortality

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Grainger Hall, room 1280
@ 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm
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Jason Fletcher presents as part of the Frontiers in Mortality, Risk, and Insurance Seminar Series.


Jason Fletcher is a Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Public Affairs with appointments in Applied Economics and Population Health Sciences. A specialist in health economics, economics of education, social genomics, and child and adolescent health policy, Dr. Fletcher focuses his research on examining social network effects on adolescent education and health outcomes, combining genetics and social science research, estimating long-term consequences of childhood mental illness, and examining how in utero and early life conditions affect later life health, cognition, and mortality.


The Center for Demography of Health and Aging, the Department of Risk & Insurance, and the La Follette School of Public Affairs.

The series is co-hosted by Héctor Pifarré i ArolasAnita Mukherjee, and Jason Fletcher.


Grace Herndon, gherndon@wisc.edu