David Frisvold of the University of Iowa presents as part of the Seminar Series.
About David Frisvold
David Frisvold is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Iowa where he researches health economics and the economics of education with his research examining how public policies affect health outcomes.
About the presentation
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) required chain restaurants to post calorie information on menus and menu boards as of May 2018. To identify the impact of the national law, we compare the outcomes for individuals who live in areas with a local menu-labeling law predating the federal requirement to the outcomes for consumers who live in nearby areas without a menu-labeling requirement until the enactment of the federal requirement. Consumers did not change the frequency with which they visited different types of restaurants, but within fast-food restaurants, consumers purchased items with fewer calories and other nutrients.
La Follette School of Public Affairs
Héctor Pifarré i Arolas, hparolas@lafollette.wisc.edu