Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF)

“…appreciated the opportunity to see the inner workings of a government organization and experience all of the complications that are typically associated with being a bureaucrat…My supervisors were great mentors, they helped me learn about a variety of health policy topics, and they frequently provided me with useful and informative feedback.”

RENEW Wisconsin

“As the Policy and Government Affairs Intern, this has been an incredible opportunity to participate in the innerworkings of legislative process at the state level gaining in-depth knowledge about fiscal policy and the biennial budget, regulatory agency management, and about how important it is to have a voice early in the policy process.”

Rural Wisconsin Incorporated

“I developed policy positions based on Rural Wisconsin Inc.’s historic platform and needs of rural residents as described by the 2020 Rural Voices report, generated lists of individuals and organizations to contact to be members of Rural Wisconsin Inc., and engaged in organizational strategy work as Rural Wisconsin Inc. leadership and I discussed aspects of contemporary media and publicity opportunities.”

CUNA Mutual Group

“I learned that the purpose of the Corporate & Legislative Affairs team is to monitor the state and federal legislative and regulatory environment, especially as it relates to CUNA Mutual Group’s products and services.”