Nonprofit employment resources

There are over a million nonprofit organizations in the U.S. and millions more around the world that address important policy issues. Consequently, the nonprofit sector is a major employer of public policy graduates. Relevant positions in the nonprofit world may include management, development, communications, evaluation, and government relations. Most think tanks, interest groups, and trade associations are categorized as nonprofits.

Want to learn more about working in a think tank (including what a think tank is and does)?  Read Think Tanks: why and how

General resources

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Top job boards

Associations and networks

  • Alliance for Justice (A national association of over 100 organizations, representing a broad array of groups committed to progressive values and the creation of an equitable, just, and free society)
  • AFP (Association of Fundraising Professionals)
  • APPAM (Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management)
  • APSIA (Association of Professional Schools in International Affairs)
  • ARNOVA (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action)
  • ASPA (American Society for Public Administration)
  • Coalition on Human Needs (An alliance of national organizations working together to promote public policies which address the needs of low-income and other vulnerable populations)
  • Community Shares of Wisconsin (Network of nonprofits committed to social and environmental change)
  • Council on Foundations (Provides leadership, opportunities, and tools for philanthropic organizations)
  • Democratic Policy Network (DPN is working to gather, package, organize, and champion an interstate agenda of Movement policies)
  • Greater Madison Nonprofit Directory (a comprehensive guide to IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organizations located in Dane, Columbia, Green, Iowa and Sauk counties)
  • NASPAA (Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration)
  • National Council of Nonprofits (The nation’s largest network of nonprofits)
  • ProPublica Nonprofit Explorer (Find nonprofits that do things you care about)
  • Wisconsin Nonprofits (A network of Wisconsin’s nonprofits)
  • YNPN (Young Nonprofit Professionals Network, connections for under 40s)

Other nonprofit employment resources

Sample employers

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Development and health

Environmental and grassroots


Policy and research